Implementing the inquiry-based learning in geographic education using selected teaching methods and teaching aids


  • Agnieszka Świętek Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej, Instytut Geografii



inquiry-based learning, geographical education, teaching methods, teaching aids


Inquiry-based learning is an educational strategy born in the 1950s and 1960s in the USA, developed on the basis of research results generated by American developmental psychologists. Its key assumption is discovery learning by students. Scientific research proves higher efficiency of the inquiry-based learning in teaching science when compared to other pedagogical strategies. The method is commonly used in the USA and European Union countries. However, it is only at present that it is being introduced to a larger extent in Poland, in line with the latest geography curriculum (the regulation of the Polish Ministry of Education 2017, 2018).

The paper discusses implementation of the assumptions underlying inquiry-based learning to geographic education in Polish schools. Its purpose is identifying the assumptions of the inquiry-based learning, the potential for its introduction in geography courses/ classes in Poland based on the content of the geography curriculum as well as recommending, as an example, some educational methods and learning aids facilitating implementation of the strategy in the school practice. Introduction of inquiry-based learning is possible with the right selection of teaching methods and didactic tools. Methods best suited for this purpose are the research project method and fundamental methods. Training aids available for inquiry-based learning include, potentially, a skilful use of traditional training aids such as textbooks and maps as well as modern aids based on the information and communication technology (e.g. Internet database or dashboard building and visualising tools). Introduction of the assumptions underlying inquiry- based learning is the condition for improving the efficiency of geography teaching and learning in Poland, which continues with the encyclopaedic style of learning.


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