Application of the Webquest method in teaching tourist content at primary school


  • Renata Rettinger Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej, Instytut Geografii



teaching methods; primary school; tourist content; WebQuest


The development of the Internet started the era of ‘instant information exchange’. The Internet has become essential source of information, also in education. Hence, this contemporary situation requires changes in teaching methods. In particular, the shift of emphasis from teaching to learning, which becomes the only way to keep up with rapidly changing reality. This study proposes to use the WebQuest method in the primary education process. The method underpinned by the constructivist theory enables the development of problem learning skills. Furthermore WebQuest method allows the development of critical and creative thinking and team collaboration. This computer based method is a useful tool in distance learning.

This research aims to present new insights and concepts of education in the field of geography, in particular tourist content and the resulting possibilities to use the WebQuest method in primary school. Finally, the practical principles of creating and advantages of this method for tourism geography is discussed.


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