Formation a relational capital in regional museums
environment; museum; relational capital; relationsAbstract
The subject of the article is presentation and use of relational capital by museum institutions. Attention is draw especially into regional museums. The aim of the article is to discuss and analyze, which of the components of relational capital are indicated in museum management literature and how they are used in practice of functioning. Additionally, an attempt to indicate, which of the components should be deeper analyzed, were also made. To realize main goal, method of analysis the literature and data analysis was used. The analysis also refers to examples of the organization. The result of the study was to show areas where further research would be justified. There was a shortage of studies regarding the strategic approach in the museum as well as the loyalty of museum visitors. Relations with visitors are the most widely discussed issue, however, some gaps have also been observed in the theory and practice of the institution’s activities. Establishing new relations with the surrounding entities, as well as work on strengthening the existing ones, has significant importance for the good operation of the museums. In order for the relational capital it is important that work on it’s shaping and strengthening should have strategic nature and based not only a bargain cooperation. Area of museum relations can be analyzed on many levels- relations with competitors, stakeholders, organizers. In the future, it would be valuable to carry out field studies on a larger number of facilities.
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