A sense of security in city parks. An example of qualitative research of Cracow residents
city parks; Cracow; fear of crime; green areas; sense of securityAbstract
The aim of the publication is to present a sense of security for the residents of Krakow, taking into account the sense of security in selected city parks. An additional attempt was made to determine the conditions for the safety of the subjects being examined. The results are based on qualitative research conducted among park users (N = 36) using in-depth interviews. (IDI) Interviews were conducted with respondents of all ages and genders. The research showed a very high level of security by the residents of Krakow in the city parks. The interviews confirmed that security is not the most important problem for the residents of Krakow. A certain type of paradox is observed, which involves reducing the sense of security in the neighborhoods inhabited by the respondents, in relation to the general sense of security which is in contradiction with the subject’s literature. In addition, it has been shown that an important factor affecting the reduction of the sense of security in Krakow is the presence of football club hooligans in the urban space. The interviews are a confirmation of police statistics regarding the increase in the sense of security among Polish citizens over the past years.
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