Plogging – an ecotrend in recreation in the opinion of students
Trends related to care for the environment, nature protection and promotion of ecological solutions in everyday life are also increasingly visible in tourism and recreation. One of the most popular among runners is plogging, which is a combination of running and collecting rubbish. There are more and more plogging events in the world and in Poland, and more and more local plogging groups are created in social media. An anonymous questionnaire was conducted among 158 students of Tourism and Recreation, the purpose of which was to find out the opinion on the state of knowledge of these students about plogging, popularity and usefulness in Poland, as well as to evaluate some of the behaviors of respondents related to caring for the environment. A small group of respondents had heard about the idea of plogging before. Most students find plogging a very good initiative, but a small minority of them would join to this type of activity. A significant number of them do not collect rubbish left by others, and blame the poor cleanliness of recreational areas, among others, on insufficient availability of litter bins and low level of public awareness.
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