Functioning of public spaces in selected villages of the Nowy Targ district (powiat)
This work deals with the subject of public spaces in rural areas located in selected communes of the Nowy Targ district (powiat) (Krościenko na Dunajcem, Ochotnica Dolna and Szczawnica). The aim of the study is to check the usefulness of public spaces in the indicated area and to identify its individual types, as well as to determine the degree of their use by the
inhabitants. The most numerous group in the study area are public spaces that are conducive to sports and physical activity. Other types are public spaces that are representative of a given locality, such as those related to the natural environment, and those that enable relaxation. Surveys have shown that the most frequently used type of space are the riverside areas and
sports fields. Public spaces are most often used in the afternoon. Most people prefer to spend their free time evenly in public spaces and at home. The results of the inventory are in many respects consistent with the survey research. Public spaces are often visited by inhabitants of particular towns, who consider them necessary and fulfilling their functions. It should be noted that public spaces in the studied area are, in most cases, universal and do not have elements referring to local traditions and culture. The exceptions are places such as a main square or a center, which perform representative functions. It is also worth mentioning that public spaces are concentrated in the central parts of villages or in their close vicinity.
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Zasoby internetowe:
Gmina Ochotnica Dolna,, [dostęp: 25.06.2021],, [dostęp: 25.06.2021]
Starostwo Powiatowe w Nowym Targu,, [dostęp: 25.06.2021]
Szczawnica, 2018,, [dostęp: 25.06.2021]
Wirtualny Sztetl,, [dostęp: 25.06.2021]
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