Risk of landslide processing for the technical infrastructure in Bielanka and Bystrzanka catchment in municipality Gorlice
Bielanka and Bystrzanka catchment are almost entirely located on the territory of municipality Gorlice. Characteristics for this region are the advantageous conditions for landslides. The benefiting geological composition - sandstone - shales, many tectonic faults, lots of rain and the large inclining of slopes lead to 25,7 percent of this area being prone to landslides and
is differential in alized catchments: in Bielanka catchment - 17,79%, in Bystrzanka catchment - 34, 39%. 17,6 km percent of 52,2 km of elements of the technical infrastructure, to whom have included: domestic, district, communal and local toughen roads and electric lines, are being threatened by landslide activities., which makes up about 33,8 of whole length. The coming out of gas pipes caused by landslides occurs up to five times in last few years. Inclined power and telephone lines may result in interruption as a consequence.
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