Wine tourism in British Columbia, Canada


  • Natalia Lewandowska Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej, Instytut Geografii



The dynamic development of wine tourism, also known as enotourism, started in the second half of the 1990s. Current research and articles on enotourism focus on the motives and places of tourists interested in wine tourism.From the perspective of a tourism product, enotourism is both supply and demand. It is a study of the forms of consumer behavior, tourists taking part in excursions and traveling to wine regions. An important aspect of wine tourism is the component itself, which is wine. Undoubtedly, it has been an important element
of culture and the development of civilization since ancient times. It had a great influence on the behavior of a given community, but also on the creation of new forms of culture in which wine was the main theme. These include festivals, events and feasts about wine. Wine played a huge rolein creating relationships between members of a given community, but also in maintaining it. In some cultures around the world, wine is still one of its most important
elements and characteristics. An inseparable part of enotourism is the method of producing wine, i.e. the process of its production. That is why there is a lot of interest among tourists in wine tourism, visits to vineyards and wineries. Participants are willing to take part in lectures
and lectures by local entrepreneurs on wine production.
The main theme of the article is the dynamic development of wine tourism in the tourist space of Vancouver. The detailed assumptions of this study include the characteristics of tourism and its development in British Columbia, with particular emphasis on tourist regions, and the characteristics of wine tourism in British Columbia, with particular emphasis on the division into tourist development regions. Wine tourism is an inseparable element of the created tourism product. Moreover, the route includes cultural, social and natural aspects. The tourist route contains elements of enotourism that largely relate to cultural tourism. The article defines what wine tourism is and distinguishes its types. Then, the main motives for tourists’ travel to wine regions are characterized. The impact of wine tourism on the Vancouver city space and the impact of the tourism industry on the regional economy were also taken into account. Next, the topic of tourism and tourism in British Columbia was raised. As part of illustrating the intensity of tourist traffic, the statistical data on the number of tourists was also analyzed from individual countries. Undoubtedly, the tourism industry is one of the largest industries in British Columbia. The province is one of the most popular travel destinations for travelers on the west coast of


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