The use of e-services in providing access to cultural heritage on the example of Krakow museums
In the modern world, the development of information and communication technologies is the basis for the functioning of modern society and infiltrates almost all aspects of our life. Building a knowledge-based economy as well as advanced information technologies are conducive to the development of e-services, which are dynamically developing in various areas of human activity, including tourism and culture. This article presents the results of research on the level of accessibility of selected e-services in Krakow’s museums, where culture in a unique way combines with tourism. The research was conducted based on information and available e-services offered by the official websites of Krakow museums. It was found that the most frequently offered e-service was the possibility of purchasing an on-line ticket, available in 25.0% of the surveyed facilities. A comparable result (23.7%) applies to the e-service of presenting museum collections on-line. Taking into consideration the popularity of Krakow and its offers on the global tourism market, it should be expected that in the coming years the level of the access to various e-services will systematically increase.
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