Selected social marketing tools used in Opole hotels


  • Daniel Puciato Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa we Wrocławiu, Wrocław, Polska
  • Nikola Pośpiech Politechnika Opolska, Opole, Polska



hotels; Internet; Opole; social marketing


The results of the research indicate high effectiveness of Internet tools in the process of marketing communication in the hotel market. The Internet changes the market from place to place, to space, personal contacts of the buyer and seller are complemented by actions through the network. Above all, it improves the transactional position of the consumer by reducing the asymmetry of information. The advantages of using the Internet in marketing result primarily from its usable features, which mainly include: global range of impact, speed of reaction, multimedia character, lack of time limits, flexibility of action, interactivity and environmental friendliness. The aim of the work is to identify the main social marketing tools used in the Opole hotel market. The results of research conducted among employees and guests of Opole hotels indicate the decreasing importance of traditional media in marketing communication. Respondents pointed to the great importance of social media in this process. The most popular of them are: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and Pinterest. Other social tools included: e-mail newsletters, widgets, voting, discussion forums and podcasts. In the context of the obtained research results, one should expect further development and growing importance of social marketing on the hotel market.


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