The most frequently chosen tourist destinations by the Polish Argentines as exemplified by residents of Buenos Aires – pilot studies
tourist destination; Argentina; Buenos Aires; Polish people; tourism;Abstract
The objective of the study was to determine the most frequently chosen tourist destinations by the Polish Argentines as exemplified by residents of Buenos Aires. For this purpose, pilot studies were carried out in 2017 and 2018, thanks to which the information where Polish Argentines travel both during short weekend trips, which places they choose during the rest period in Argentina and which places are popular among the respondents during foreign trips was obtained. One of the questions asked in the questionnaire was a question concerning the issues related to travel themes. As the research has confirmed, the sentimental motif constitutes the main theme of traveling by the Polish Argentines, in other cases the relaxation and cognitive motives prevail. The article also presents the most popular tourist regions in Argentina according to the respondents and assessment of tourist attractiveness of Argentina in the eyes of the Poles. The compilation also includes descriptions of the places which are considered to be the most attractive in Buenos Aires taking into account the tourist aspect, such as: Recolete, San Telmo, La Boca and Monserrat.
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