Maximum sums of daily precipitation in Ojców (Prądnik Valley)
climate variability, maximum daily precipitation, Prądnik ValleyAbstract
The analysis of multiannual variability of maximum sums of daily precipitation was based on a 20 years-long observation series (1990-2009) from Ojców-Park Zamkowy observation point, situated in the Prądnik river valley, and maintained by the Ojców National Park. Methods of descriptive statistics, namely average values, including 5-days and 5-hours moving averages, extremal values and dispersion indices were used in the analysis (Fig. 1, 2).An attempt at determining the basic characteristics of precipitation variability on a regional scale has shown a marked instability of the temporal precipitation series controlled by circulation processes and local conditions. Non-periodic fluctuations are manifest in the results of the frequency analysis of maximum daily precipitation. The highest was the frequency of low, moderate and high precipitation (daily sums < 20 mm), the lowest (0.34%) was the frequency of very high precipitation. Precipitation sum higher than 60 mm was noted twice, in 1995 and 2007 year. The variability of precipitation in the Prądnik Valley is controlled by the intensity of cyclonic circulation, especially of the baric trough (Bc) and advection of polar maritime air mass (PPm).References
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