The cluster as an implementation instrument for sustainable tourism on tourism destinations. Introduction to discussion
sustainable development, sustainable tourism, theory of clusters, tourism destinationAbstract
The main aim of this article is to present the cluster as an implementation instrument for sustainable tourism on tourism destinations. In article the author short presented the theory of clusters with modern references to concept of sustainable development and tourism. In the base of case study cluster “Beskidzka 5”, author showed the possibilities in realize sustainable tourism, which are functioning by used multi-stakeholder cooperation. The cluster “Beskidzka 5” brings together a lot of entities private and public sectors in five communities of Beskid Slaski - Brenna, Istebna, Szczyrk, Wisla, Ustron (what a parts of Silesian voivodeship in Poland). The fundamental aim of cluster “Beskidzka 5” is tourism development in these five communities. Realized of the main aim of this article allowed to defined several theoretical applications. Their content may be an impulse for more actions into fruition of sustainable tourism.References
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