The regional government in Poland and process of implementing sustainable tourism – the roles, possibilities and responsibility in the light of formal and legal competencies
local government, regional government, sustainable development, sustainable tourismAbstract
The main aim of this article is to define the role, possibilities and responsibility of regional government in implementation of sustainable tourism - in the light of formal and legal competencies. The subject of research is refers to the structure of territorial division of Poland. In the article author discussed the competencies of regional government in Poland about tourism. The author discussed about the participation of regional government in development of sustainable tourism. The attention was paid on difference about responsibility of regional government in tourism development, development of sustainable tourism and implementation of sustainable development. Also indicated on the “dual” role of regional government, what can be interpreted like necessity of action (part of legal and formal competencies) and voluntary action in another way (associated with desire change). The form of realization the main aim has general discussion. The article could be a contribution and a part to the next research on this issues.References
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