Entrepreneurship in the smallest towns in the province of Lodz. Selected problems
economy of small towns, small town, entrepreneurship, Lodz regionAbstract
The article characterizes entrepreneurship in the smallest cities in the region of Lodz, which was for centers of up to 5 thousand. residents. In particular, in the cities, they traced and identified the pace and direction of development of economic entities, as well as an attempt to verify whether and to what extent the size of the city measured by the number of its inhabitants determines the tempo and undertaken in business. The study covered the period between 2004 and 2014 and used them in the following: the number of operators in total, the number of entrepreneurs - individuals, the number of commercial companies, including with foreign capital and the number of entities including selected sections of PKD. In addition, the article analyzes the development strategies all the cities studied for inclusion in their entrepreneurship issues. The study found that the number of inhabitants only slightly determines the level of entrepreneurial activity of its inhabitants. Much more important is the overall socio-economic situation of the city and the trust of its citizens to the local market.References
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