Growth Centers in the Podkarpackie Region in the years 1980–2014
functions of cities, growth centers, Podkarpacki region, regional developmentAbstract
Market processes, in competitive conditions, cause the development of particular areas with different intensity. Market forces interact in the direction of the concentration of development processes in the most attractive locations, which results in disparities in socio-economic development in the area.
The aim of this article is to analyze the structural changes of socio-economic growth centers of Podkarpackie Voivodeship which are different scale centres of economic activity of the region, from the centres of regional importance to small units having local significance. The analysis reflects the development of the potential, functions and the spatial distribution of growth centres in the years 1980-2014.
In the analyzed period reduces the number of centers the number of employed people in them. The importance of centres of industial development is on the decline. Correspondingly, the importance of centres with a developing services sector is increasing. The spatial structure of the Podkarpacki region are noticeable progressive processes of concentration of economic activity in the central city of Rzeszow.
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