Tourist space – sustainable space: methodological dilemmas
model, tourist space, development, sustainability, sustainable tourismAbstract
Tourist space is of complex character. It contains elements of geographical space (both; in physical and anthropogenic aspects), as well as elements of social, cultural, economic or even religious-spiritual spaces. This exceptional non-heterogeneity of tourist space causes that it is a difficult but also interesting subject of investigation which engages scholars representing various disciplines and applying different methodologies. It seems however that among many approaches the minority constitute these researches which have synthetic character and in which one tries to take into account all (or at least majority) elements of contemporary tourist space. Another crucial problem connected with studies on tourist space is the issue of its sustainability (conditions of sustainability or unsustainability). What is indeed the sustainability of tourist space? Is it possible to reach this sustainability? In which ways can one determine or measure the sustainability? While in the research on tourist space are we able to incorporate all its components? These issues will constitute the author’s subject of interests in the paper. An original research method will be presented. It will be used for an empirical verification of the model of tourist space which is in fact a model of sustainable tourism. Its innovative character lies in the fact that it is trying to combine all the components of tourist space and on this basis to build a theoretical model showing the conditions of tourism sustainability or unsustainability in various destinations.References
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