The changes in the forms of marital and family life in the Łódź Voivodeship


  • Anna Janiszewska University of Łódź, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Institute of Socio-Economic Geography and Organization of Space, Department of Regional and Social Geography


forms of marital and family life, the Łódź Voivodeship, matrimonial phenomena, reproductive phenomena


In many societies family is perceived as a value high in the hierarchy, far ahead of other values such as professional career, self-realization or social life. In Poland, the position of family has always been high, even higher than in other countries of Eastern Europe. The political transformation initiated in 1989 did not change much in that matter. Simultaneously, the concept of family changed: on the one hand, striving for a full family consisting of parents and children was strengthening, on the other - the number of people noticing the necessity of modifying the forms of family life, emphasizing the family members’ rights to self-realization has been growing. That denotes the decrease in the acceptance level of its traditional forms.

The article presents the changes in the forms of marital and family life in the Łódź Voivodeship on the basis of the available statistical data from the last two censuses (2002 and 2011). The purpose of the work is to present a spatial diversity (sorted by powiats) of demographic changes regarding the area of family changes (its form and composition). The conducted analysis of statistical data shows that the changes in the matrimonial and reproductive phenomena in the Łódź Voivodeship are distinctly diverse in the city/village division. It needs to be emphasized that the dynamics of changes was higher in the more rural than urban powiats.


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