The importance and role of international organizations for airports


  • Ewa Dąbrowska



international organization, airport, international relations


Airports are a very important component of air transport, which is one of the most internationalized forms of communication, due to legal and institutional requirements, as well as ongoing technological and geopolitical changes. The issue of shaping the conditions and factors determining the functioning of the aviation services market is a complex
phenomenon that requires in‑depth studies and analyses. Therefore, the main aim of the article is to analyze the functioning of entities at the international level influencing the
aviation services market, in particular airports. Initially, methodological assumptions regarding concepts related to international organizations were presented. Then, the
development of organizations operating for aviation is characterized from a historical perspective. The organization was divided and systematized so as to be able to establish assumptions helpful for a detailed analysis of the functioning and impact of individual entities on the activities of airports, taking into account determinants coming from the
environment. The basis for considerations are both economic issues and changes taking place at the institutional and legal level, taking into account various formal requirements.
The main principles and assumptions, as well as the processes taking place on the aviation services market from a historical perspective, are presented, as well as the current status
and prospects for future changes aimed at meeting the challenges posed by the ongoing changes at the international level.


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