Social aging in the context of social security


  • Monika Zawartka



old age, aging, society, safety


When talking about aging societies, two questions can be asked. The first one relates to perception, i.e. in what categories to consider the aging of societies. In terms of a social issue or a social problem? The second question concerns the effects of aging societies. This is related to the need for changes in many areas of social life to adapt them to older people. It is not only about areas that are more often associated with older people, such as social or health support. But all other aspects of social life that seniors benefit from. Reference should also be made to the labor market, which for older people is still an important aspect of their lives, housing conditions, as well as participation in culture, recreation and education. The issue of the safety of older people in society is becoming a separate issue. The indicated aspects, on the one hand, refer to activities undertaken within the framework of social policy and sociological theories of aging, and on the other hand, they significantly affect the quality of life of older people.


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