Subjective assessment of the tourist attractiveness of the state of Yucatán and the city of Mérida


  • Anna Winiarczyk‑Raźniak University of the Commission for National Education in Krakow, Institute of Law, Economics and Administration
  • Aleksandra Bogucka



tourist attraction, Yucatan, Merida, Mexico


The aim of the study was to examine the tourist attractiveness of the state of Yucatan and its capital Merida, based on a publicly available questionnaire from the 2019 data of the Yucatan Tourism Observatory. It was carried out with the help of available statistical data containing information on the subjective opinions of tourists visiting the state of Yucatán. Particular attention was paid to the city of Merida, which was indicated by most people as the first city they had visited or would visit during their trip. Respondents rated the tourist values, the components of the tourist infrastructure and the tourist sites, and indicated the specific elements they find enjoyable the most in the State of Yucatan. The majority of respondents, of those who had visited the most important tourist sites in the state or used a particular service, rated them positively.


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