Diversification of socio-economic development of rural areas in the Lesser Poland Voivodeship


  • Marcin Semczuk Cracow University of Economics, Institute of Spatial Planning And City Studies, Department of Socio-Economic Geography




development disparities, rural areas, socio-economic development, Lesser Poland Voivodeship


The main purpose of the work was to determine the diversity of socio-economic development in rural areas of the Malopolska province and to determine the dynamics of changes in the adopted time range. Statistical material was used for 168 rural spatial units i.e. rural communes and rural urban-rural communes (data of the Central Statistical Office for 2002-2017 and data of the Office of Electronic Communications for 2017). On the basis of these data it was calculated synthetic indicator of socio-economic development for rural areas, which consisted of the following groups of indicators: demographic, social, labor market, agricultural sector, infrastructure and housing conditions. A total of twenty-six indicators were used. Then rural areas characterized by the highest level of development being at the stage of stagnation and communes characterized by socio-economic regression were determined. In addition, the dynamics of individual groups of indicators in the analyzed years were examined for rural areas and 4 types of spatial units were determined due to the relation of indicator values and their dynamics in the adopted period. The conducted research shows that disparities are growing between underdeveloped and economically developed municipalities, especially in the field of indicators characterizing the labor market. However, there is a slight reduction in development disparities in the field of indicators describing demographic characteristics and housing conditions.


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