Dydaktyka geografii – teoria i metodologia (na przykładzie Bułgarii)


  • Maya Vasileva Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski “, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Kliment Naydenov Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski “, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Georgi Kotseff Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski “, Sofia, Bulgaria




geography, geography didactics, education, training, geography education


Understanding, mastering and applying new ideas in geography didactics is the most proper way to achieve a high professionalism in geography education in Bulgaria. Such professionalism implies three prerequisites: a scientifically based (and not only intuitive) professional activity, high and sustainable results and a clear positive attitude towards it. The high professionalism is the required basis for successful solving the current problems of Bulgarian geography education which are of different nature: training and further qualification of working staff, preparation of needed school documentation for thematic subject “Geography and Economy” and the design of research programs and projects in school practice. Undoubtedly, we have to explore the foundations of didactics (its theory and methodology) because it is the starting point for creative problem solving or the implementation of upcoming geography educational tasks. In this context, and against the background of the increasingly higher modern public demands and attitudes towards education, it is necessary to interpret the geography didactics as a science in a new, modern way. In presented paper are examined the essence, subject matter and main issues of geography didactics; scientific tasks and research methods and its place among other sciences. It is also important to outline the
trends of development and scientific potential of geography didactics.


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