The process of urbanization of Mexico in the years 1950–2020
The aim of the authors was to determine how the process of urbanization in Mexico took place in the years 1950-2020. Particular attention was paid to the study of spatial changes in the level of urbanization by region and state. The development and transformations of the urban network were also examined in terms of spatial differentiation in the number and size structure of cities. The conducted research indicates that in the analyzed period there was an urbanization boom, which is confirmed by both the increase in the value of the urbanization index from less than 43% in 1950 to nearly 79% in 2020, as well as a 4-fold increase in the number of cities, from 983 to 4189. Significant changes also took place in the spatial distribution of the level of urbanization, which was manifested mainly in the decline in the dominance of Mexico City and the surrounding central region in the concentration of urban population and urbanization, which made the contemporary urban network of this country more polycentric.
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