Use of merchandising in trade on an example of chain store Delikatesy Centrum


  • Ewa Batko



The subject of the study is merchandising, its genesis, issues encountered in the subject literature and application of his techniques in investigated chain store. The aim of this article is presentation of the selected elements of commercial merchandising and research Delikatesy Centrum (DC) store customers are noticing their impact during shopping. The definitions, the essence of the concept and the types of merchandising was presented. The research procedures are explained and the results of the survey research are presented. The source material for the research was subject literature relating genesis and broadly understood merchandising issues. The research was conducted online using a survey questionnaire made with Google Forms, shared by internet communicators, thanks to him feedback was obtained on impact of merchandising on their behavior and mood in the store. Research shows more than half respondents pointed out that hearing stimuli affect their mood during shopping. Buyers also paid attention to the distribution of goods within the sale room. It was found that chain store Delikatesy Centrum (DC) customers notice the impact of merchandising techniques on their own behavior or purchasing decisions.


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