Switzerland’s modernized architectural space


  • Karolina Nesterowicz Politechnika Rzeszowska im. Ignacego Łukasiewicza




Contemporary Swiss architecture owes its origins to the architect Le Corbusier, who was its precursor. The modernism that was started by the architect is characterized by the aesthetics of purism and the introduction of brutalism in the 1950s. He tried to combine human existence with industrial society by building the Marseille Unit. Contemporary architecture is a modernization of historical architecture and putting people at the center of urban space. Apart from Le Corbusier, the modernist architects include Peter Zumthor, Aldo Rossi, Mario Botta, Anette Gigon and Mike Guyer, Jacques Herzoga and Pierre de Meuron, Roger Diener, and Max Frish. Many Swiss architects contributed to the creation of buildings that were to serve as spaces for society, for example: museums, spas, public buildings. The building materials used are concrete, wood and glass, which enable the creation of thoughtful, original and
timeless architecture. According to many, the architecture of Switzerland was designed ideally for its culture and landscape. It should be remembered that people create architecture, using their ingenuity, imagination and vision of developing a given space. While designing, each creator should be accompanied by originality and creativity, which will define their design style, allow them to stand out from the others. When creating, however, a certain rhythm should be kept so that in the end there is no chaos or total abstraction. The projects modernize the historical architecture, without disturbing or changing its character drastically. The erected buildings enrich and enliven the Swiss open-air museum with gentle contrasts and modern accents. The described country has examples of every important direction in European architecture. Towns and villages have retained much of their settlement structure. One of the most interesting architectural attractions are residential buildings, presenting original and regional features characteristic of Switzerland.


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Współczesna szwajcarska architektura, pozyskano z: https://www.myswitzerland.com/


Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia - Mario Botta, pozyskano z:https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/





