Subject basics of entrepreneurship in the opinion of students and graduates of secondary schools in Poland
The subject named „The basics of enterprise” has been launched to all types of upper-secondary schools in 2002 (MENiS, 2002). The current reform of education carries many changes in schools’ functioning, moreover, it gives the possibility to change the ways of teaching various subjects. In the beginning of the reform it is worth to consider how students perceive “The basics of enterprise” as a school subject in order to improve quality of the lessons. Author of this work presents the results of research connected with students and graduates of the upper-secondary schools’ opinion collected in Poland in 2018. In the survey students evaluated different aspects of the lessons: pointing to their favourite educational method, sources of information, forms of work, also, defining the most important, according to their opinion, practical skills and what is more, evaluating the whole subject in general as well as pointing to the most important remits of the teacher. The research has been conducted with
the method of diagnostic survey on the group of 326 upper-secondary school students. The results have been compared to results of the survey given only to students from małopolskie
voivodeship in 2018 and in 2004 as well as in 2011 on similar experimental group. Analysis of the results has shown that students evaluate many aspects of “The basics of enterprise” teaching as negative.
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