Knowledge of organic architecture and its application in the hotel industry in the opinion of respondents
Since the beginning of the history of construction and formation of primitive cultures, regardless of the place of residence and mode of existence, man has been observing nature. His interests were turned to the forms of structures of the plant world, the subsequent stages of their biological development, the ways in which they function, and consequently the possibility of using them in construction. Organic architecture emerged as a branch of modernist movement and is the form of architecture which in its idea refers to the tradition of places, spaces, landscape physiognomy and climate, as well as native forms of culture and art. Organic architecture uses innovative solutions that adapt power and renewable energy sources to shape a healthy and friendly living environment, according to the principles of modern holism.
The main objective of the article was to conduct a study in the form of a diagnostic survey on the respondents’ familiarity with the concept of sustainable development, ecohotel, and organic architecture and its application in hospitality. A total of 236 people took part in the survey, and based on their responses it can be concluded that the concept of sustainable development is known to 46.5% of all respondents, while more than half of the respondents
(52%) do not know and cannot characterize what organic architecture is. Also, half of the respondents taking part in the survey (50%) are not able to name any building falling in the style of organic architecture, and only 17% of all respondents are able to name a building falling in the style of organic architecture. Also, for most respondents (55%), the term ecohotel is unknown, and only 11% of the respondents were able to name an example of such a hotel.
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