Slums as a cultural tourist attraction on the example of Brazilian favelas in Rio de Janeiro
Brazil; favela, Rio de Janeiro; slums; cultural tourismAbstract
One of the inherent parts of Brazilian reality are favelas, the districts of poverty. Not a long time ago did they not exist on the road maps. They were treated with disdain and indifference by the community. They are, however, difficult to ignore, as they are an inseparable part of Brazil’s reality. It is estimated that in Rio de Janeiro alone, there are around 750 favelas, in which every second inhabitant of the 6 million community of Rio de Janeiro lives. In this article the issue of what slum tourism is and the related to it moral and ethical behaviour of tourists was discussed. The studies show that every second tourist using the local travel agencies’ offers in Rio de Janeiro chooses the optional trip to the favelas. The elaboration shows examples of the slum tourism’s offers, which turns out to be one of the most alluring aspects of familiarizing with the city for the tourists from around the world.
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The Challenge of Slums – raport z 2003 r. opublikowany przez ONZ-HABITAT – pierwsze w pełni globalne badania nad ubóstwem miejskim.
Raport World Tourism Organization UNWTO, Tourism Highlights. Edition 2016
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