Formative assessment in geography: students’ expectations in the new educational reality


  • Monika Borgiasz Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej, Instytut Geografii



education, geography, formative assessment


One of the basic aims of education, including geographic education, was and still is to create conditions for the pupil to achieve success according to their abilities. For these purposes to be met, the roles and functions of the assessment should be interpreted correctly. Assessment is a difficult and complex competence. Its multidimensionality is related to the teacher’s skills and his knowledge of the goals and principles of assessment. In modern education, including geographical education, we can more and more often encounter formative assessment. This is a kind of assessment in which both the student and the teacher receive feedback on their learning progress. On this basis, the process of teaching and learning is assessed. In the opinion of many specialists and teachers, including geographers, this kind of assessment allows for more effective and more effective education. The student knows how to rationally overcome difficulties.

The study presents the results of surveys that covered the students of selected primary schools in Krakow (from September 2017, 8-year primary school) in September 2018. The aim of the study was to obtain students’ opinions on formative assessment and a look at the current assessment system in the light of changes in education. The obtained data allowed to show the formative assessment from the students’ perspective. Geography is the subject of teaching, in which not only the results of work are assessed, but also the contribution of work, interests and attitudes.


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