ICT in geographic education in the reformed educational system
information and communication technologies, ICT, geographic education, modern teaching aids.Abstract
The subject of this article is information and communication technologies (ICT) in geographic education according to the new core curriculum from 2017 (Rozporządzenie Ministra Edukacji Narodowej …, 2017). For the purposes of analysis of the possibilities of using ICT in the school, five models have been developed regarding the inclusion of ICT in the teaching program. From the simplest models, which involve searching for didactic materials for online geography lessons on the Internet by the teacher, to the most advanced ones - related to the presence of ICT throughout education process. Each subsequent model is characterized by a greater involvement of teachers and students in the use of ICT in school practice. The analysis of the new core curriculum for geography shows that in both primary and post-primary school, selected content should be implemented using information and communication technologies. The examples of free ICT tools presented in the study (“Worldometers”, “Geographic Games, Play and Explore the World”, “Kineticcity”, “Ventusky”, “LearningApps” and “Scholaris”) are an excellent teaching aids. They help the student to better understand different, sometimes complex geographic issues.
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