External conditions of marketing management of a hotel product on the business tourism market in Katowice
business tourism, hotel, management, marketing, product of hotelsAbstract
Hotels are key players in the supply side of the tourist market. One of the most dynamically developing segments of the tourism market in Poland is business tourism, which is a very attractive segment of the tourist market for hotels. The aim of the study is to identify key external factors influencing the management of hotel offer in the business tourism market in Poland. The methods of observation and analysis, using secondary sources, as well as the results of the author’s own research published in other publications was used to achieve the aim of the work. Research shows many factors influencing the development of hotel products, resulting from customer expectations for destinations as well as many factors that can be categorized into four groups: political, economic, social, technological. Research and conclusions are focusing on analyzing these factors, taking into account their impact on hotels as a company managed by marketing. Other hotel managers in Poland to improve their functioning and products development may use the described and analyzed factors of development of hotels in Katowice. The subject of diversification of hotels caused by external factors, due to the dynamics of the changes occurring on the tourist market in Poland, seems to be still interesting and the market needs further observation and analysis. This article is a review and at the same time presents some concepts of identified external factors and their impact on the hotel product.References
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