The impact of economic conditions of households on the level and quality of life of residents of the commune Czchów
commune Czchów, economic conditions, quality of life, standard of livingAbstract
The level and quality of life is the idea that the study deals with many areas of science, among others, sociology, economics, psychology, geography. The article includes interdisciplinary topics in terms of geography. Research the level and quality of life were performed in the smallest administrative unit that is the commune. The area of research was the urban-rural commune Czchów located in the Malopolska region in the district of Brzesko. The aim of the study was to investigate an influence of economic conditions on the level and quality of life of residents of the commune Czchów and their differentiation into separate areas for the development of research. The results of the research include the development of data collected in the questionnaire interviews, the author of the article during the fieldwork. Analyzing questionnaires demonstrated the impact of the declared income households on living standards, tested quantitative methods and the absence of clear height ratio of income to assess quality of life, the study qualitative methods among the residents of isolated areas. The conclusion summary is that having more financial resources that can meet the needs of the material does not always directly translate into the quality of everyday life.References
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