Spatial differentiation of medium-sized cities in Poland by volume of commuting to work


  • Monika Panecka-Niepsuj Jagiellonian University, Institute of Geography and Spatial Management, Departament of Geography of Population, Settlement and Farming


commuting to work, mobility measures, shuttle migrations, commuting area


Effective management and planning of urban development requires taking into account links between cities and their backends, which are stronger and stronger. Current trends indicate that we should look at the city as a distinct functional unit. Some of its functions cross administrative borders. Consequently, a dense zone of influence is formed around each city. This zone, together with the inner city, creates a functional urban area. The impact of each city is proportional to its size and importance, and inversely proportional to the distance from it. The relationship between the city and its surroundings is determined using functional links, for example commuting to work, education, services, etc. In fact, these shuttle migration is gaining ever greater practical importance in providing foundation for land-use planning, transport policy or strategy. The aim of the article was to show the spatial differentiation of medium-sized cities in Poland in terms of commuting. The study is based on measures concerning shuttle migrations. The analysis uses indices of departures, arrivals, the balance of flows and the quotient factor too. Poles are a mobile nation. One in four inhabitant commutes to work outside the municipality of their residence. Medium-sized cities remain in the shade of large cities in terms of their labour market attractiveness. The largest flows of population to/from medium-sized cities are noted within the largest ones, which have a considerable number of urban units and easy access to them. These medium cities show negative balance of everyday flows, while in remote areas the saldo is positive.


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