Demographic, social and spatial determinants of development of Jaworze commune (Silesian Voivodeship)
agglomeration of Bielsko-Biała, population dynamics, Jaworze commune, migration, suburbanizationAbstract
The author’s aim was to recognize the dynamics of population and net migration in Jaworze against the other communes of the Bielsko-Biala agglomeration and to identify inflow directions to this commune. Since 1989, the process of urbanization, has spread over most of the western part of the agglomeration, which contributed to the rapid development of Jaworze during the 1990s. Jaworze, located in the immediate vicinity of Bielsko-Biala, has high natural values . In terms of the residential attractiveness this municipality is one of the top rated ones in the whole voivodeship. Therefore, it is an area of inflow of migrants not only from Bielsko-Biala, but also from other parts of the region, including the Katowice conurbation. It is suggested that the Jaworze commune has reached maximum migration load from the point of view of the resources of land available for housing. However, this requires empirical verification.References
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