The role and importance of information techniques in education and further training of teachers of geography


  • Bożena Wójtowicz Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN w Krakowie Instytut Geografii


training of teachers, effectiveness, competence, education, information technology


Education of teachers in information technology plays an important role in the modern world. The acquired knowledge and skills in information technology enrich the effectiveness of lessons and support the educational process of pupils. This subject is of particular importance during the course of pedagogical studies, as teacher’s IT skills and abilities play a vital role in educating modern society. For this purpose, the competences in the use of information technology tools in teaching and those acquired by the students and teachers of geography have been studied. Based on the survey, the opinion of teachers was obtained about the role of information technology in teaching of geography.


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Materiały źródłowe:

Karta kursu z przedmiotu technologia informacyjna, 2012/2013, geografia I stopnia. Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny. Kraków.

Karta kursu z przedmiotu technologia informacyjna, 2012/2013, geografia, studia podyplomowe. Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny. Kraków.

Zasoby internetowe:

Instytut Geografii Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego w Krakowie,

Podstawa programowa przedmiotu informatyka, IV etap edukacyjny – zakres podstawowy,




