Innovations in geography curricula at the ISCED 2 level in selected European countries


  • Arkadiusz Głowacz Uniwersytet Łódzki Wydział Nauk Geograficznych Zakład Dydaktyki Geografii


geographical education, Europe, curriculum


The aim of the paper is to compare the directions of changes in the curricula of geographical education in four European countries, i.e. Poland, England, France and Germany. Programme innovations introduced at the lower secondary school level (in Poland: gimnazjum) in the last few years have been investigated. The methods applied in the work were comparative analysis and document analysis. The documents acting as programmes of studies (however named differently in the four countries) constituted the basic resource. The research resulted in the formulation of a set of essential conclusions. It has been noticed that in most of the countries the authorities have undertaken steps aiming to increase the comparability and supervision over the objectives and effects of formal geographical education. This aim is to be met by means of more specific formulation of educational effects in the curricula. Secondly, there has been a noticeable shift in the concept of content selection and structure. The systematic order, reflecting the structure of geographical sciences, as well as the traditional encyclopaedic regional orders are being substituted with a problem-centred and a dominant - based order of content.


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