Looking for methodological innovations in qualitative research – analyses of geography graduates’ transition to the labour market


  • Danuta Piróg Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN w Krakowie Instytut Geografii Zakład Dydaktyki Geografii


geography graduate, qualitative survey, semantic field method, transition


The aim of the paper is to propose using the adopted and partly modified semantic field method for the analysis and interpretation of longer answers for open questions in social geography and educational surveys. The article consists of both the classic semantic field method description and the scope of its modification done for surveying geography graduates’ transition to the labour market. It also presents some results of this transition process which would not be possible to identify without using the modified semantic field method during the analysis of the collected material. The modified semantic field method, apart from transforming qualitative material into quantitative data, allows for a methodologically explained, clear, easy process of analysing, as well as concluding and formulating rules devoted to quantitative spheres of the problem. Benefits of using both the classic and modified semantic field method seem to encourage scientists to use it in educational studies and surveys. The most suitable topics for using the method in educational studies are those devoted to the effectiveness, quality and satisfaction.


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