Areas with agricultural suitability for corn cultivation State of Mexiconcy
Corn, fitness, MCE, modelAbstract
Ensuring access to food as a priority of the sustainable development objectives requires immediate attention to crops; motivated by this, the present study shows the results of the identification of agricultural suitability zones, specifically in the cultivation of corn in the State ofMexico, using the multi‑ c riteria evaluation (MCE) that allows tomodel the territorial reality and execute the spatial process with the most important variables in the growth those crops. The identification of the processes and their regional problems gave guidelines for the weighting of each of them and define their criteria for the optimal growth of the plant. The study was carried out with the assignment of weights to the variables of altitude, temperature, precipitation, slopes and edaphology according to research on their degree of influence and dependence among them; the result is the areas with the greatest agricultural suitability for the cultivation of corn in the State of Mexico (with restriction of protected natural areas and urban areas), with a timely verification of the already existing crops and improve decision making by expanding the territory with the greatest probability of optimization and crops’ yield. This methodology proposal is intended to be replicable to other crops and/or areas in which the processes and patterns that modify the characteristics of areas from a crop to high yield are recognized.
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