The concept of the Krakow Metropolitan Union in Senate bill
Krakow, metropolis, metropolitan area, local government, metropolitan union, Senate RPAbstract
A metropolitan association is a legal form of an association of local government units characterised by strong functional connections, advanced urbanisation processes, and located in a spatially coherent area. The Senate of the Republic of Poland adopted the draft Act on the establishment of the Kraków Metropolitan Union on July 14, 2023. The act created new opportunities for the city of Krakow and 14 neighbouring communes, and one of the benefits resulting from its adoption was to be additional revenues to the budget of local government units associated in the union. However, for the adopted regulations to enter into force, their acceptance by the Sejm [the Lower House of Parliament] of the Republic of Poland was required, but this did not happen due to the end of the parliamentary term. The aim of this study is to analyse the concept of establishing the Krakow Metropolitan Union included in the Senate bill on the Krakow Metropolitan Union Act. The particular value of the study is the fact that its author was involved from the very beginning in the process of creating the draft Act, its initial assumptions and provisions as adopted by the Senate. The research goal is defined by the choice of research methods, and the document analysis method was used to prepare this study. Document examination is aimed at reproducing the real activity or state of the analysed organisational structure in the form of a legally or customarily prepared document. This method involves collecting, selecting, describing and scientifically interpreting data obtained from a given document.
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