Development of sports clubs and sports infrastructure in the area of the city of Krakow in spatial terms


  • Kamil Dyląg



Soccer is seen as an important part of Krakow’s social and cultural life. This is due to the long‑standing traditions associated with the sport, which are rooted in the city’s history. Initially, soccer in Krakow had an amateur dimension. The first mentions of a more organized form of practicing this form of sport date back to the times under the Partitions of Poland. After the restoration of independence, soccer began to evolve, which was associated with the professionalization of the clubs’ sports activities. Club activists from Krakow were important figures in directing the development of soccer and sports infrastructure, not only in the city, but throughout the country. During the interwar period, there was a phenomenon of demographic, cultural and economic development of the city, which translated into the dynamic development of sports at that time. In the second half of the 20th century, the new political system in Poland, resulted in a reorganization of sports management in the country. The changes at the time, translated into the picture of the functioning of sports, among other things, club activities became heavily dependent on industrial plants. After the period of transition associated with political changes after 1989, the functionality of many clubs (especially multi‑section clubs), became much more difficult by cutting off funds flowing from state‑owned factories. Today’s situation has changed, not least due to improvements in the city’s economy, as well as Poland’s participation in the European Union community. The ability to obtain funds from the Union, for regional development, allows for many more options for sports‑related investments. An important element in the development of professional soccer, has become club sponsorship. A good example of successful sponsorship is the two most successful clubs in Krakow – Wisla Krakow and Cracovia. Both teams have gained, above all, financial stability and progress in sports performance.


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Netografia: www, data 01.06.2022 , data 01.06.2022




