The ethno‑racial diversity of Peru’s population in light of 2017 census data


  • Mirosław Wójtowicz University of the National Education Commission in Krakow, Institute Geography, Department of Socio‑Economic Geography
  • Łukasz Litwin University of the National Education Commission in Krakow, Institute Geography



Peru, ethno‑racial structure, Afro‑Peruvians, Andean Indians, Amazonian Indians


The aim of this article is to examine the ethno‑racial structure of the Peruvian population in light of data from the 2017 census. This census included, for the first time, a question on the ethno‑racial self‑identification of residents aged 12 years and over. The census results made available determine the size, spatial distribution and basic demographic characteristics of the three main ethno‑racial minorities of Peru declaring themselves as: Andean Indians, Amazonian Indians and Afro‑Peruvians, against the rest of the population, which is mainly mestizo and white. The study examined the spatial concentration of the three main ethno‑racial minorities, which, according to the data, accounted for 29.4% of Peru’s total population. The research also found a strong spatial concentration of each of them. Andean Indians are concentrated mainly in the departments of the southern part of the country, while Amazonian Indians were mainly clustered in the departments of the northeastern and eastern parts of the country, and Afro‑Peruvians are mainly centred in the departments along the northern coast.


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