Health situation of seniors of the Baltic countries compared to Europe
Europe, Baltic countries, Kohonen method, seniors, aging, types of health situationAbstract
The aim of the study was to assess the health situation of the senior population in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia compared to Europe. The analysis used quantitative data from Eurostat. An objective division of Europe was adopted, resulting from the geographical location of the countries, in which the analysed countries belong to Northern Europe. The studied phenomenon was characterized based on key demographic and population aging measures, and especially on selected indicators describing the health conditions of seniors. The study uses the statistically advanced Kohonen method of self‑organizing neural networks, which is not commonly applied in demographic research. This way four types of determinants of seniors’ health in European countries were specified and the position of the Baltic countries in these sets for the years 2008 and 2021 was described. Identification of particular clusters allowed, among others, to state that regarding the assessed health situation of seniors the Baltic countries are most similar to the countries of Eastern Europe. In both years compared, this situation was described as bad, the worst compared to other clusters of European countries. The completed research may constitute a model approach to determining the development of health determinants and their mutual relations that concern seniors and other age groups of the population.
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