The Polish nobility contribution in developing the potential cultural landscapes on Bessarabia territory
Słowa kluczowe:
noble house, historical and cultural heritage, cultural landscape, dendrological parksAbstrakt
Cultural landscapes, created in time under the influence of natural and anthropic factors, were subject to quantitative and qualitative changes. In the structure of landscapes, you can also notice degradation, ruin, abandonment etc. This presentation of the research results is aimed at counteracting the decline of this cultural phenomenon in the Republic of Moldova and finding real solutions based on the description, analysis, interpretation of noble parks, in historical Bessarabia which were created by the activities of the nobility of Polish origin. Monuments of landscape architecture in the Republic of Moldova are estimated based on the typology carried out by Cocean Pompeia. According to representative genetic cronies, as well as the definition of cultural landscapes, we chose cultural landscapes resulting from production activities: parks with noblemen’s manors. The Polish nobility in the historical Bessarabia had an important role in the process of cultivating the landscapes. She left a specific architecture behind her - dehydro-parks designed by well-thought-out structures. Manor houses and deontrological parks in the territory of the Republic of Moldova, those who were created thanks to the activities of the nobility of Polish origin are recorded in the Register of monuments under the protection of the state. Today, these monuments are in very bad condition, and the institutions of the Moldovan state are unable to find a solution to this problem and lack of money. However, despite this, today noble houses and deontrological parks are very important elements of landscape pictures, and can become a good element in the development of tourism in Moldova.Bibliografia
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