Environmental diagnostic of municipality of zinacantepec, Estado de México


  • Ariel Bernal Lima Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Faculty of Geography



Słowa kluczowe:

diagnostyka, SGT, ewolucja środowiska psychologicznego, wielodyscyplinarność, skażenie


In the period 2021‑ 2023, technical tours were conducted as part of the Local Ecological Management of Zinacantepec to carry out the environmental diagnosis of the territory, in which soil degradation is present in the sub‑ b asin of the Tejalpa River while the forest ecosystem in the Zinacantépetl Formation is in a process of feedback according to the General System Theory (GST), that is, recovery with a positive trend in the forest cover. The purpose of this research is to analyze the characteristics of the physical‑ g eographical subsystem
in order to determine the environmental conditions in the study area. In order to achieve the specific objectives, a methodology based on the evaluation of the disturbances in the balance of the environmental system was proposed, for which thematic cartography was obtained, as well as the state of evolution of the relief by means of matrices applied in field work. On the other hand, through COMPROBIDES, training sessions and working groups have been held to present multidisciplinary proposals that promote environmental protection based on the results obtained, in which processes of land use change, water erosion, deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions, water pollution and urban location in agricultural areas have been identified. It should be noted that knowledge of the geodynamics of geographic space has contributed to social and public participation for the preservation of natural resources.

Biogram autora

Ariel Bernal Lima - Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Faculty of Geography

Ariel Bernal Lima: is a geographer graduated from the Faculty of Geography at the
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Author of the Municipal Risk Atlas 2023
of Tenango del Valle. Environmental advisor to the Dirección de Medio Ambiente within
COMPROBIDES in the municipality of Zinacantepec. Author of the first morphological inventory
of species in the municipal nursery of Zinacantepec. Winner of the Municipal
Youth Award “Jóvenes con talento,” Zinacantepec 2022. Winner of the Presea Zinacantepetl
2023 in the environmental field. Collaborator of PROMACC in Zinacantepec. Winner of the
State Youth Award 2023 in the category corresponding to Environmental Protection.
Among its most relevant actions are the verification of rock falls in the archaeological zone
of Teotenango corresponding to the municipality of Tenango del Valle, workshops and talks
for the care of the forest ecosystem in Zinacantepec, evaluations of the natural environment
of Zinacantepec, expedition to the Ciénegas de Lerma to propose conservation alternatives,
monitoring of greenhouse gases in Zinacantepec, preparation of the intermunicipal flood
map of Calimaya, Chapultepec, Metepec, Mexicaltzingo, San Mateo Atenco and Tenango del
Valle, preparation of a cartography of the natural environment of Zinacantepec and Tenango
del Valle, and exploration of Área de Protección de Flora y Fauna Nevado de Toluca for the
protection of the forest.


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